Accounting Health Check
Health Check |
As a business owner and manager, having accurate and timely financial reports available soon after a period and year end is critical in today’s competitive business climate. Many business owners we meet often have little or no reliable financial reporting available to them. Did you wonder why your CPA’s fees for your annual tax preparation and financial reporting services were so high? Has your CPA ever implied that your annual fees were so high because your books are a mess? Introducing Back Bay's Accounting 'Health Check' Services. Our Health Check Services include assessing your financial accounting and software needs, implementing new software if necessary, assisting in the conversion of accounting data and training personnel to record and maintain your books in a precise and accurate manner. Whether it’s weekly, monthly, quarterly or even annually, we can provide you with the accounting support to ensure your financial information is accurate and trustworthy. Our knowledge of software coupled with our thorough understanding of accounting including financial statement design and tax preparation allows us to do what other consulting and accounting firms cannot. We also offer short and long term Controller and CFO resources as you see fit. Our main goals are yours: