Job Cost  Tightly manage job profitability with this essential job shop and tracking software tool developed for contractors, architects, and engineers in professional service and project-oriented industries. Job Cost features powerful management reporting, thorough accounting capabilities, flexibility, and control, with the ability to track cost and revenue information down to finest details. Know where your bid proposals and projects stand with up-to-the-minute job shop scheduling and status reports. Built-in sub-modules including Project Estimating, Billing, and Time and Materials Invoicing give you greater control and foresight.
Sage MAS Payroll  Process your payroll in a fraction of the cost and time of a manual payroll system or outside service bureau. In addition to simplifying in-house payroll preparation, Payroll reporting capabilities provide high-level, insightful business data regarding employee deployment and costs for more informed business decisions.
Employing the easy-to-use Windows graphical format, Payroll automatically applies earnings and deductions, calculates employee and employer payroll taxes, and prints checks and vouchers complete with year-to-date earnings and tax information. All current federal and state tax tables are included; easily enter city or local taxes. Quickly print quarterly and annual payroll reports and W-2 forms required by various tax authorities. When used with the Direct Deposit module, improve employee satisfaction while saving time, money, and the environment by going paperless. Also save the cost of printing, storing, and securing your pre-printed check forms.
Sage TimeSheet - MAS 90 Edition  Streamline project and resource management for all your projects, internal and external workgroups - with Sage TimeSheet. This sophisticated timesheet and time tracking data collection software automatically collects data on actual time spent and costs incurred on each task. Create and analyze Web-based summary, detail, or custom reports for more accurate planning, forecasting and resource utilization.
Easy to install and administer, Sage TimeSheet tracks time and expenses by numerous user-defined levels, including employee, department, client, project and individual task. Using an intuitive spreadsheet-style interface, this comprehensive solution for internal or remote workgroups of any size supports an almost unlimited diversity of business process and approval levels, project structure and workflow.
Sage TimeSheet seamlessly integrates with Sage MAS 90 and 200 Job Cost, Payroll, TimeCard, Accounts Payable, and Accounts Receivable.
TimeCard  Track employee hours and measure project efficiency with TimeCard. More than an automated time card system, TimeCard is a powerful and flexible addition to the Payroll and Job Cost modules. Enter your employees' time card data on any schedule you choose -- daily, weekly, and more -- without affecting the payroll data entry files. Change an employee's pay rate in the middle of a pay period without issue; TimeCard stamps each entry with the employee's current pay rate, maintains the old rate for existing entries, and applies the new rate to the next entry. When you run your payroll, TimeCard automatically transfers entries to Payroll Data Entry. The Certified Payroll Report feature allows you to flag labor codes and job numbers, and generate reports for submission to most government agencies. |