Bill of Materials  Produce accurate and informative reports detailing bill structures, component requirements, and production history. Bill of Materials makes it easy to create and maintain a detailed bill of the components and miscellaneous charges that make up your finished items and subassembly components. Easily accommodate after-the-fact production documentation; as each finished product is created and recorded, Bill of Materials automatically relieves the component items used from inventory, and receives the finished products into inventory. Disassembly Entry and Production Entry functions can account for disassembly of finished items, or components that are added, deleted, or modified.
Inventory Management  Get full control over your inventory, record assets accurately and improve customer satisfaction with robust inventory management software. Inventory Management provides real-time, accurate information on your assets, including receipt, location and disposition of goods, as well as their precise value and status. Prevent lost sales or shipment delays caused by understocking and avoid the costs of overstocking. Comprehensive reports provide up-to-the-minute data and unlimited transaction histories for better planning and budgeting.
Material Requirements Planning  Avoid costly delays due to materials purchasing or scheduling problems and enable smarter purchasing and production planning. Material Requirements Planning simplifies and speeds up the work processes of your purchasing and production managers -- enable them to take control, gain more visibility and plan more effectively so your manufacturing stays on track. More accurately estimate the need for an inventory item with combined product build times, lead times, and supply and demand functions. Generate monthly and weekly sales projections and supply and demand estimates from integrated Sales Order, Purchase Order, and Inventory Management modules.
Work Order  See up-to-the-minute, work-in-process information and get complete control of your manufacturing operations. Ideal for companies engaged in assemble-to-order, engineer-to-order or make-to-order processing, Work Order enables you to issue work orders, develop schedules, and track costs associated with your manufacturing process. Use Work Order in conjunction with Bill of Materials to automatically merge the material required to create a product from the appropriate bill. All required paperwork to move the job through the shop can then be generated from each work order, including travelers, picking sheets, dispatch sheets, and operation tickets. |