FAS Fixed Asset Accounting  The Sage FAS Asset Accounting family provides easy-to-use fixed asset accounting, depreciation, and reporting features for businesses, governments, schools, and nonprofit organizations. Standard and customizable depreciation calculation methods help your business or organization optimize balance sheets, reduce insurance overpayments, and maximize tax savings.
Sage FAS conveniently manages assets throughout their lifecycle - from acquisition to disposal - and will provide a wealth of benefits quickly.
FAS Fixed Asset Inventory  Nothing is more critical to effective management of fixed assets than conducting a fixed asset inventory. Without it, no amount of added processes, controls, or correct calculations can ensure the accuracy and reliability of fixed asset accounting.
FAS Asset Inventory allows you to track all of your fixed assets and helps eliminate "ghost assets" - assets that are still recorded on the books but have been lost, damaged, or disposed of. Properly tracking fixed assets can prevent insurance overpayments and reduce your property taxes.
FAS Asset Inventory provides automated fixed asset inventory tracking and reconciliation capabilities. Using state-of-the-art barcode technology, FAS Asset Inventory creates and tracks multiple physical inventories of assets quickly and efficiently - allowing you to achieve a tighter control of your fixed assets.
FAS CIP Accounting  FAS CIP Accounting provides you with the ability to track components of an asset before it is placed into service. Whether you're assembling multi-component equipment, upgrading machinery, constructing buildings, or just accumulating separate invoices prior to placing a fixed asset into service, FAS 100 CIP Accounting helps you take control of spending and streamlines your project accounting - eliminating cumbersome spreadsheets, manual data entry, and the mountain of invoices.
FAS Report Writer  FAS Report Writer makes it easy to create accurate, complete, customized fixed asset reports for your business. The Report Wizard takes you through the simple, step-by-step process of generating reports that best suit your business. FAS Report Writer is the perfect solution to extend the built-in reporting functionality of any Sage FAS 100 product, and is included in all Sage FAS 500 solutions. Use it to:
- Handle up to 999,999 assets in a single report
- Use any data field as a column heading
- Specify range of assets-even select a wildcard entry which will search the database for a partial match
- Select from an unlimited number of sort and subtotal options
FAS Barcode Readers  Sage FAS Fixed Assets is proud to provide a great selection of mobile computing solutions for use with our Sage FAS Asset Inventory product. For purchasing information or pricing please contact us at 800-368-2405.
Intermec® CN3 The rugged Intermec CN3 mobile computer is a small, portable barcode reading device designed to withstand harsh environments and meet the needs of workers performing important tasks in inventory, transportation, logistics, and field service. It is equipped with 128 MB memory and an 8-hour battery life.